We have defined our philosophy of discipleship through the “PATHWAY OF DISCIPLESHIP” called POD, a Bible-based strategy, curriculum, and method that has become the basis for all of our teachings, ministries, and leadership development.
The Spirit dwells in us:
The spirit pours his fruit on us:
The Spirit pours His gifts on us:
Shared Faith
Shared Culture
Shared Structure
Through holy words
Through holy deeds
Through a holy life
To Call
To Equip
To Send
The values that we abide by:
The values we aspire to:
The values that we function by:
Resurrection church believes that the entire Bible is inspired by God and that the Holy Spirit illuminates the mind of the faithful reader. This is in order for the latter to understand the spiritual realities and believe that the Bible, especially the New Testament, is the only rule and norm, and the final reference in matters of faith and its practice.
We believe in the one eternal God in three hypostases: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and in the immanence of eachhypostasis and His eternality, and in the equality of the threehypostases and their unity in one ousia, and that each hypostasis has a distinctive function:
The Father is the creator and upholder of the Universe and the absolute sovereign over it.
The Son is the redeemer of mankind by His incarnation, His birth from the Virgin Mary, His atoning death on the Cross, and His glorious resurrection from the dead. He is the Savior of those who believe in Him and their intercessor with God, and He is the Head of the Church.
The Holy Spirit convicts people of their sins and persuades them
to accept Christ as Savior. He dwells in the hearts of the believers, comforts them, sanctifies them, and guides them to the whole truth.
We believe that man is created in the image of God, but that he fell because of his disobedience and has had a sinful nature ever since then. As a result, man lost his fellowship with God and deserves to perish.
However, God, out of the abundance of His love and mercy, sacrificed His only Son Jesus Christ to save man from sin and eternal damnation, to bring man back to fellowship with Him, and to give man a new and eternal life. This new life is received by man by the second birth through the work of the Holy Spirit in him so that he repents and accepts Christ by believing that He is the Savior and the Lord in his life.
We believe that the Church is a local community of baptized believers who meet for worship, witness, and service and are united voluntarily under Christ’s headship, all of whom are priests, chosen and holy.
We believe that the local church is part of the whole body of Christ, which is the universal church spread throughout the world and made up of all true believers.
We believe that the Church is an extension of Christ on earth and therefore it must represent Him in the best way and be the conscience of the world and its example and work for its good in the ministry of love.
We believe that God, in His predetermined time and in His own way, will end the system of this world by the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, according to His promise, to the Earth, in supreme glory and in a personal and visible manner, followed by the resurrection of the dead and the last judgement. The believers, with Christ, will share His glory in the kingdom of God and the unbelievers will receive their punishment.
من اليوم ورايح - الإخت. د. نانسي حلو
اجتماع الأحد ٢٣ آذار ٢٠٢٥ | كنيسة القيامة بيروت | من اليوم ورايح | د. نانسي الحلو
امتحنوا مخاوفكم - ق. د. عماد بطرس
اجتماع الأحد ١٦ آذار ٢٠٢٥ | كنيسة القيامة بيروت | امتحنوا مخاوفكم | القس د. عماد بطرس
ترتيب الأولويّات - ق. د. عماد بطرس
اجتماع الأحد ٩ آذار ٢٠٢٥ | كنيسة القيامة بيروت | ترتيب الأولويّات | القس د. عماد بطرس
فعل طاعة، بالإيمان والامتنان - الأخ جورج ناياتي
اجتماع الأحد ٢ آذار ٢٠٢٥| كنيسة القيامة بيروت | فعل طاعة، بالإيمان والامتنان | الأخ جورج ناياتي
تعليم الرّبّ حول المال - ق. د. حكمت قشّوع